Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Day I Became a Hero

We knew we weren't suppose to go onto my neighbor's property, but we just couldn't resist, what with the abandoned animal homes and all, it was so mysterious. And the stream. It was bone-chilling cold, but so much fun. And so we were running back from the neighbor's property quick before my mom realized we were gone. 

It always got a little tricky climbing back into our pasture from theirs. We had to climb over their fence while simultaneously clearing our hot wire fence. (You know, the kind that shock you when you pee on them?) But, it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. 

I quickly cleared both fences and continued on my way. And then I heard a scream coming from behind. I looked back to see Cricket standing on our side of the pasture, pretending as though the hot wire fence was electrocuting her. She was just standing there saying she was stuck to the fence, all the while screaming and shaking. 

At the ripe age of 10, Cricket was my best friend. And, I had to give it to her, that girl could make anyone laugh. But today, I was in no mood for her usual antics. If my mom found out we were down there in the neighbor's pasture again, I'd be in trouble for sure. So, I quickly told Cricket to knock it off and lets go before we got in trouble. AND, I reminded her that I had been shocked by that fence a bazillion times before so her little prank was not going to work on me- I knew it wasn't that strong of a shock. 

But Cricket insisted on continuing with the drama of shaking and screaming. So, I did what any child-who's-about-to-get-their-rear-end-kicked would do...I called her bluff. I left her there, knowing she would be following in two seconds flat when she realized she had no audience. 

But she didn't follow me. I turned around to see what she was doing. And she was still there, shaking and screaming. So, out of pure annoyance, I went back, pulled her away by the arm, and told her to start running. And she did.

  Right after she showed me where her leg had been (permanently) burned from the hot wire fence.


Isaiah and Emily Smith Family said...

That is hilarious. I could see Cricket doing that. I would have done the same as you - kept running.

Jody LaFlamme said...

oh that is so funny! In third grade I was choking on a candy and went to tell my teacher and she kept telling me to sit down till she saw my face was purple!

Luisa said...

I can't believe I've never heard this story. But I can totally imagine it! One time Megan Doherty got shocked by the fence and cried and wanted to go home. We were in 5th grade and I thought she was such a wuss. I first got shocked probably before I even started school. City folks!

Unknown said...

Kate - you really did save my life that day! I still have a scar on the back of my leg from that incident!
(I would also like to note that Kate requested that I post this comment on her blog b/c she told me nobody ever believes her. I found this to be ironic since this entire story is about my dying on her cow fence and her not believing me).
Thanks Kate!!

Mike and Jenny said...

Reminds me of the time I ran over my little brother's foot with the car...twice. I thought he was just joking too!

Heidi said...

Wow!! I (Jaron) once got my foot caught in a barb wire fence! Forget the 10 inch cut that I closed shut with a long row of bandaids. I didn't tell my mom because I was more worried about the punishment from riping my Sunday socks!