Thursday, April 23, 2009


Izak splashes Dave.

Dave splashes Izak.

Izak starts to cry and throw a fit.

Kate explains to Izak that if he doesn't want Dave to splash him then he shouldn't splash Dave.

Dave tells Izak it's called Karma.

Izak tells Dave he doesn't want to play Karma anymore.

And speaking of Karma....
A month or so again I went to the zoo with some friends.
 A bird pooped on my friend's baby's head. 
I laughed. 
An hour later a bird pooped on my baby's head. 

How about you-when was the last time Karma "pooped" on your head?


Nikki said...

frankly, I hate birds, therefore: I stay away from the Zoo.

My husband was positive that our babies would be ugly because... before we had babies - I NOTICED that a lady in church had an ugly baby that looked like a monkey. I really think I dodged a bullet there. cause my kids were spared - who knows what is in store for me, however.

Anonymous said...

Thats so funny!

Heidi said...

Ummm, I try to forget when Karma visits. Often times it's not a the most enjoyable experience. Love your stories!!

Brewer's Ink said...

Karma usually comes on my birthday or Mother's Day - maybe it's not the birds pooping - but Karma is usually in some poop, puke, or other nasty form.

I'd tell you to avoid standing under trees, but really Karma can sneak up on you just about anywhere. Beware. Be careful. Carry with you extra wipies :)

Amy said...

You are so funny Kate. I totally believe in Karma. People completely damage themselves by being hateful and causing hurt to others. However, please remember, as I have personnally witnessed myself. There is such a thing as good Karma too :o)

Keep Your Sunny Side Up said...

Oh, Kate, I love your posts. Please post more Isakisms, he is such a doll!

Jody LaFlamme said...

I am a huge believer in karma! I think the there is always a lesson behind it. whether its to you or someone else!!!!! you can always learn and grow from those experiences!

Liz Huntsman said...

LOL! Your blog always makes me laugh!!!! (Me and Mary are always talking about your blog and how freaking cool you are!!) By the way, that picture is beautiful ... I don't know what they were talking about. Losers.

megwrites said...

Last week my sister was reading one of your posts out loud to my mom and we were all cracking up. You are so funny!

Nilda Noel said...

That is awesome! LOL. I once was at a park for a picnic with a friends family and a seagull pooped on my nose and all over my is that for Karma. Not sure what I ever did to deserve it, but I must not have done it again because I haven't been pooped on since:) You are so funny!

Team Seguritan said...

Good stuff. We missed you at the park tonight. Are you pregnant?:)...I only say that after reading a past post. Hope you feel better and don't have the swine flu! OH, and thanks for commenting on my blog, but next time you need to correct my spelling...did you notice I "died" easter eggs rather than "dyed" them? It's okay, I forgive you, you aren't my editor.