Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just One of Those Days

Today was just one of those days...

...when I would've been a better mother if I had just stayed in bed all day....

...when I talked through clenched teeth for fear of the unidentifiable screaming that would have ensued had I opened it...

...when I had to be reminded by my four-year-old that he is special and should be treated as such...

...when I got rained on from the top bunk (in the form of spit) courtesy of my one-year old.

...when I wanted to lock my children in a room together until I no longer heard crying and fighting...

...when the only one dressed was the self-dressing four-year-old...

...when I wanted to feed my children cookies for lunch...

...when my children looked cuter when they were sleeping...

You thought I was kidding about the pajamas didn't you?


Nikki said...

pajamas are a practical and comfortable solution. Don't feel bad about that at all! I just spoke with a mom from Karina's class... she told me that she bought her daughter two special outfits (very versatile - can make it through a whole week with different pairings) and SEVEN PAJAMA SETS! because they spend a lot more time in pajamas. You are doin just fine! keep up the good work!

lamack said...

You're hilarious. It sounds like one of my days. I was in bed like a zombie yesterday and my two boys joined me whining for things, then my baby started crying. I turned to Drew and said, "Drew can you go get Ada?" Which he did. Then later while Ada was whining I said, "Drew, can you go get Ada some food?" Then, "Drew can you get Ada a drink. After taking advantage of my wonderful almost five year old for long enough i finally got out of bed much more rested! And I've had plenty of pajama days myself. I just make sure that we all change before daddy comes home! :)

Nancy said...

Oh Kate! I'm sorry you are having such a rotten day! It probably doesn't help that it rained (in the form of precipitation from the sky) and I bet the Easter egg hunts you were planning to go to were cancelled! I hope that you are at least enjoying having your family there. Hope tomorrow goes a little better.

April said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that has days (sometimes MANY IS A ROW) like that!

You are such a great mom!

Jody LaFlamme said...

That is funny! Me and Ty have those days and we don't even have kids. Thats how our sundays usually turn out. I keep trying to tell Tyler is not nice to spit!

Heidi said...

Love it, Love it, Livin' it!! Except I have one child, two hands; you have two children, two hands. Sorry, my odds do sound better right now. But last night at 3 AM while we were dealing with one of our other "children", I felt too young to be dealing with so many. Also, I must say I have little faith in the doctor and in everyone else who keeps telling me that my baby will stop spitting up like Old Faithful!!

Harvey Family said...

Good to know that I'm not the only mama out there that quite often keeps the babes in jammies! You do such a great job! And your kids are adorable!

Brewer's Ink said...

Chant with me now - "This too shall pass. This too shall pass." Hang in there.

Nilda Noel said...

You are quite funny. I sometimes think that kids should fight it out too, like maybe they'll figure it out.