I walked into the foster home. He had only one question for me.
Could he please keep the baby duck? I said no.
And then the name calling began.
Rocks went flying.Sod was chucked as far as the husky 11-year-old could manage.
Spit drenched my face and clothes.
Bruises began to decorate my legs.
Teeth were sunk so deep into my arm that it was twice the size of the other and there was a permanent imprint (for a week).
We managed to break into his bedroom just in time to grab him from the second story window from which he was about to jump.
Restraints were used for 45 minutes until the police arrived.
And then he was calm.
And he understood that he couldn't keep something that belonged to someone else.
He would have a couple of days to think about it.
In Detention.
And he did.
All the way until he went to court for his charges.
He walked into the court room. He had only one question for the Judge.
So why didn't you let your husband keep the duck?
? so disturbing. I know it happens... my mom is a social worker, too
Oh, Kate, I remember that. Aren't you happy your boys have a WONDERFUL mom and dad?
There are times I take for granted that we work with adults and not children. But then, there are other times when we feel like our adults ARE children! All in all, I can emotionally handle our adult cases better than I think I could children's cases. Kudos to you for takin' on the hard stuff. This is my new motto: BE MORE LIKE KATE! (Seriously, I said this the other day. Ask Jaron.)
Ahh, the good old days. Have some memories myself, quite like that from WMH. Have to say I haven't had any incidents since working as a therapist...I'll keep my fingers crossed. You still going to go back for the MSW?
You are such a good writer Kate!
I love reading your blog.
Wow when did this happen? Craziness!
it's so sad the life some kids grow up in! It makes me want to adopt a child in need instead of have my own. It's good to see there are people out there doing what they can to help!
Oh my gosh I love your blog, just read a few entries! I should read it every day, but it's usually a couple months or so and then I remember to look at people's blogs who comment on mine. yes, I know, I am a bad friend. Anyway, this bad friend loves your blog.
And as far as the picture @ the top of the page, I went to LAYOUT, then to HEADER, and ADD PICTURE (or something like that), then I clicked the box SHINK TO FIT, and I put picture behind my text. LMK if it works.
I meant shRink to fit.
I was going to write something funny..but "Anonymous" just made me pee my pants.... very funny!
Great, so this is what I have to look forward to. I am just glad I will be the proud foster mother of a 4 year old or younger.
He is still up to his old tricks, just last week the police had to retrieve him from a nasty pond (after he ran from school).
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