Izak and Landon being forced to play at the pool with their cousins Mara, Asher, & Eden
Child labor laws being broken-poor Izak had to help Papa drive the tractor for hours
Don't be fooled by the smiles in this one-anyone that knows my dad knows that just having to spend time with him is pure TORTURE
My Grandma & Grandpa Lloyd said if we didn't visit them, they'd take us out of their inheritance
Dave's Grandma & Grandpa Mellot shoved our favorite candy down our throats while we were there
Unfortunately, I did not have my camera available for these other incidents, but they were just as traumatizing as the other recorded events:
*Visited my long lost best friend (we were best friends from 6th grade through my senior year of high school)
*Visited Jenna and Kevin in Boise and had to eat a bunch of good food and play fun games
*Had no choice but to eat my mom's amazing cooking morning and night
That Sargeant picked the wrong people to mess with!
That picture with Papa is pretty cute.
I can't believe the one of all the cousins--Landon and Eden look like such big kids, sitting up with the rest of the gang.
Wish we could be there.
Good to see a post I was beggining to get a bit miserable again! Good luck on your move down here! I hope it is a smooth one!
Love you!
So what are your plans for the future? Where do you go from here and when? Man come back and help us put in our fence......aaaaaahhhh I am so sick of this stupid yard project.
Oh man ... life looks really tough right now. lOl! :)
what about shopping and visiting your sister and having so much fun. Man. what do I have to do to be mentioned on here?
Happy Birthday my friend. I hope all is well with you! Buy something for yourself only today. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I miss you too!
Hi Kate! This is Shannon, Whitni's aunt-I hope you remember. Didn't get a chance to say goodbye when you left. I hope everything is well. Love to keep in touch with this whole blog thing. It's new for me and I am working on it!!
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