Friday, February 1, 2008

Proud Parents

So the other day I had a conversation with a guy I work with that made my day. He was saying what good parents Dave and I are (shh, don't tell him the truth!) and that Izak is so well behaved. He said he and his wife were discussing this and it has made them have more of a desire to have children of their own. It was one of those moments that just makes you feel so good as a parent and so proud of your child. As I shut the door I felt a sense of pride for my child who is so cute, obedient, and well behaved. A second after I shut the door, my well behaved child quickly ran up to me and said "sorry mommy", which is NEVER a good sign. And then I walked into the kitchen to this....

And then into the hallway to this...

Now, don't you all want children?

We love our cute, obedient, well behaved Izak!


megwrites said...

That looks so awesome. Go Izak! What a mess. Must be a boy kids never misbehave...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Kate!!! Your killing me! That is SO FUNNY!!!!!! I am getting my much needed laugh for the week! Thanks!! I love it!

Luisa said...

I never saw the pictures. They are perfect. Izak is such a dream kid. I know you guys are working on number 3 as I write this!

Anonymous said...

LOL -Izak is the best! Oh, I miss you guys -lots of love sent your way from Cali

Unknown said...

That's so funny! Izak is so cute!!!! You two are great parents!

misa_kay said...

Kate, that is perfect! The pictures were so cute, and I think David did the same thing when he was a baby! Izak is so smart and inquisitive! What fun! I don't know about wanting kids, but I am definitely a proud Auntie!! And Izak IS a dream kid!

Trisha said...

Oh my God, you're so funny. What is your degree in? Your writing skill makes me think English! Landon is adorable. Will his eyes stay blue? Izak looks so much like I remember. :( I miss him.