Thursday, August 26, 2010

I swear I use to be Cool...

So, before I share my most recent experience at my awesomeness in social situations, here are some explanatory details....

I work with the children at our church, which is called primary.
When we're assigned to a certain program within the church, it's called a "calling".
We have a "bishop" which is like a pastor, who extends these "callings". is my conversation this past Sunday at church...

Primary President: So, I was talking to the bishop and he said he was thinking of calling Sue to work with us in the primary. I can't remember her last name though.
Me: Was it Sue Sylvester?
Primary President: No, that wasn't it.
Me: Are you sure??! That name sounds really familiar.
Primary President: Umm, Kate, that's because she's from Glee.

See what you all are missing by not hanging out with me more? Even the dumbest of you (Lets not get into who that would be.) would feel smart when you're with me. It's one of my many, many talents.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I did a very similar thing. I met a woman in my ward named Kimberly Stewart. Then the next time I saw her I said, "Hi Kristen!" A couple minutes later I realized my mistake and wondered why the name Kristen Stewart sounded so familiar...and then I figured it out. Whoops.

Keep Your Sunny Side Up said...

Oh how I miss you, Kate!

Alison said...

I heard that Sis. Sylvester is in the North Stake. Right??? Maybe? That's what I heard...

Maren said...

At this point I would love to have Sue Sylvester in our primary!

Anonymous said...

awesome!!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

awesome!!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

awesome!!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

what the!?!@

Alison said...

awesome! I love you!

(could NOT resist... and trust me... I tried! ) :-)