Friday, September 4, 2009

Words O' Wisdom Citings

I wouldn't be a real friend if I didn't take the time to share with you some recent valuable information that I have come across...

"Buckle up your baby! Safety in the clinic is as important as safety in your car!"
(Sign posted at doctor's clinic) Seriously?! The SAME?!

Landon feeling relieved after his building barely dodges the head-on collision with the building next door.

"It's a kilt people. If I was wearing something underneath, then it would be a skirt."
(On the back of some guy's shirt-who was wearing a kilt. I checked.)

Kilt or skirt? I guess you'll never know...

And the last, but DEFINITELY my favorite...
"God made us sisters. Prozac made us friends."
(On a PLAQUE!! at a store)

I bet you can't guess what my sisters will be getting for Christmas...

Now, be a real friend, share your most recent Words O' Wisdom citings...


Jody LaFlamme said...

I got this out of eat pray love and its "I will not Harbor unhealthy thought's anymore" I love and repeat it to myself whenever I am frustrated with a situation.

Anonymous said...

Ok I laughed out loud on the Prozac one! And now I am laughing at Arianna!

Anonymous said...

Ok not Lauging AT Arie....just laughing at what she wrote! (had to clarify!)

Kat said...

You would check to see if it were really a kilt :)

Keep Your Sunny Side Up said...

Okay, so we had a baby blessed in our ward dressed in a kilt. Under his kilt was a diaper...hmmm...I wonder...

Anonymous said...

I love this one! So true!!!

"I know I am sometimes forgetful, but there again, some of life is just as well forgotten!"

love mamma

Heidi said...

"I'm going crazy trying to act normal." It's the first one that came to mind, and is a direct quote from someone you knew. Love the kilt one, and the Prozac one just hits too close to home. We could change that to say, "God made us neighbors, Prozac made it bearable"! Love you Kate!