First reason. I am incapable of playing with Izak. I mean really getting down on the floor and playing with him. This is usually how our conversation goes:
Izak: Mommy, will you play with me?
Me: Sure Izak
Izak: Mommy, come sit on the floor with me
Me: Okay
Izak: Mommy, play with me!
Me: Izak, I am playing with you
Izak: No, mommy, I mean play with me!
Me: Izak, I am playing with you (To which I respond by trying to really get into character of whatever superhero Izak has assigned me to be-which means using some really good superhero voices and starting to attack Izak's superhero because I've noticed that boys really like this fighting thing.)
Izak: No mommy, not like that! (Izak goes running out of the room crying)
And that is usually how our "play" sessions end.
Second reason. I am no good at rough housing. I blame my parents for this one. We were never allowed to rough house in our home, so it is completely foreign and akward to me. But every once in a while when I'm trying super hard to engage with Izak, I will give it my best shot. These conversations generally go like this:
Izak: Mommy, you can't get me
Me: Oh, yes I can (to which Izak responds by jumping on my back)
Izak: Mommy, try and get me
Me: Ouch Izak, you're hurting me. Get off Izak, you're hurting me. Izak stop. (Dave then has to interject here and peel Izak off of my back before I start crying.)
Dave: Izak, you have to be careful with mommy so she doesn't get hurt. (Izak goes running out of the room crying)
And this is usually how our "rough housing" sessions end.
Third reason. The other day I was watching my niece and nephew. Yet again I was trying my best to be the cool mom (and aunt) so I thought I'd win them over by building them a fort. (Let me add here in my defense that this is the first time I can remember ever building a fort.) This is how that conversation went:
Me: Guys, do you want me to build you a fort?
Izak and cousins: Yeah!!!!
Me: Okay, give me a few minutes and it'll be done....(30 minutes later)....
Izak: Can I go in?
Me: Not yet, I'm still trying to figure out how to make the fort. Izak you have to get out or you're going to break it down.
Izak: Can I go in yet?
Me: Not yet Izak, it's almost done, just wait a few more minutes. Izak, you have to get out. Izak, you're breaking the fort!(Izak goes running out of the room crying)
Lets just say that Izak is VERY lucky to have such a great dad that knows how to really play with his 3-year-old boy and here's to hoping that I'll be the best mom a teenage boy could ever have...
Here's a picture of Izak with his cousins, Mara and Asher, in the fort I built for them...(this was the second fort that I built since the first one the kids couldn't even sit under because it was so low to the ground)